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The term worm is used to describe many different
distantly-related animals which have a long cylindrical
body and no legs.
Worms usually have a cylindrical, flattened, or
leaf-like body shape and are often without any true
limbs or appendages. Instead, they may have bristles
or fins that help them move. A few have light-sensing
organs. Worms vary in size from less than 1 mm (0.04
inch) in certain aschelminths to more than 30 m
(100 feet) in certain ribbon worms.
Some worms reproduce sexually. Hermaphroditism,
the condition in which a single individual possesses
both male and female reproductive parts, is common
in many groups of worms. Asexual reproduction, whereby
new individuals develop from the body cells of another,
also occurs in some worms... |